Does investing in Real Estate syndications contribute to the rising housing costs and rents?


NoFCG aims to alleviate and offset the affordability crisis by partnering with vetted and solid real-estate operators (in their respective asset classes and geographies) by providing the capital needed to execute their business plans. In exchange for investor capital, we offer our investors attractive profit splits with preferred returns without investors having to lay one finger on the projects.  

How do the vetted operators and Farmers Capital Group alleviate the crisis?

  • Increase the new supply of rentable/purchasable units  apartments/townhomes/ with new builds  (Asset Classes: Multifamily apartments, new construction, built-to-rent)
  • Update old, outdated, and often unsafe apartment buildings (Asset Class:  Multifamily)
  • Provide a great product to those in the lower socio-economic tiers of society (Asset Classes: Mobile Home Parks, R.V. Parking)   
  • Help contractors and small businesses support the construction industry and larger economy (Asset Classes: Industrial / Self Storage)
  • Solve the last-mile problem in the supply chain (Asset Classes: Industrial / Self Storage)   
  • Help movers with the transition by providing a great product and service (Asset Class: Self Storage)